Simply knowing how to read is pointless if your child doesn't know how to choose a book that appeals to him or her. That self awareness goes a long way in building self confidence. Here is how you can you help your child to become aware of his or her reading interests.

Learning to read is a tedious process that tends to put off many children. The result is they develop a negative association with reading. The problem gets worse as they grow older and they have little or no access to a variety of books. They never learn to make decisions about books they would like to read. It is made for them. They never learn to recognise which genre fascinates them the most. They don't know which genres exist.
Children's books are expensive. That's because a lot of work goes into creating them. Writing for children is the most difficult writing exercise as the author needs to build a connection with the child and avoid talking down to the child. Children are smart. They enjoy stories that they can connect with easily and shy away from those which fail to talk to them. When they are unable to connect with the book it becomes boring even though the book might be a highly recommended one. Sometimes something that is generally loved may not have a connection with an individual child due to a number of possible reasons. To be forced to read such a book simply because it has been bought is the worst possible way in which one can destroy any meaningful association with books.
Learning to read is a tedious process that tends to put off many children. The result is they develop a negative association with reading. The problem gets worse as they grow older and they have little or no access to a variety of books. They never learn to make decisions about books they would like to read. It is made for them. They never learn to recognise which genre fascinates them the most.
To become life long readers, children need to be surrounded by books. In other words they need access to books that they are willing to explore. Having a cupboard full of books that fail to reach out and make a connection with these young readers is bothersome. Instead, relying on a good library is a better alternative as this way, the option to let go of some books that don't connect with the child can be returned while books that the child devours can be added to the child's personal collection of books.
To be forced to read such a book simply because it has been bought is the worst possible way in which one can destroy any meaningful association with books.
Typically library subscriptions on a monthly basis range between Rs.400 and Rs.600. These subscriptions typically come with a minimum of 3 books per month. On the other hand on an average the cost of one good story book for children in the age group 8-14 is about Rs.250-Rs. 300 per month.
Investing in a library subscription is a more practical way to ensure your child has access to a variety of books. Allowing them to choose their collection every time they have access to books enables them to become independent readers who are well aware of what appeals to them and what doesn't. That goes a long way in building self awareness and self confidence.