It is a joy to be able to write and see one's work published in the form of a book. However, if your child has been through this process, you would know that this is not an easy process. It is not something that most children would like to revisit more than once or twice, unless they are extremely determined to write. Writing is a work in progress through out one's life. It doesn't end with a published book in hand.

There is excitement in the air. We are about to create multiple possible plots in response to two picture prompt options. There is no right or wrong perspective. Everyone is entitled to their own perspectives. At the end of the session we will discover new perspectives of the same picture.
There is silence throughout the Zoom session except for a few questions from time to time. Some choose to take their headphones off to focus on their writing. Others prefer being connected to be able to ask questions. Different children bring different experiences to their writing. Some derive ideas from the cities they live in, others derive idea from the books they have read or movies they have watched. Stories get written as imagination unfolds itself in multiple ways across the online class. When it is time to wrap up, stories are saved to be read later.

As time passes by, new thoughts and perspectives get created. Revisiting the stories brings forth some changes to take it to the next level. There seems to be something missing. Will the readers enjoy this story? Is there some detail missing or is the story coherent? Is there a better way to find answers to these questions other than asking the readers themselves?
Children write for children of their age. They don't write for adults.
What if children could share their stories with other children? Then it becomes a cohort in which every child knows that they need to support each other in their writing journeys by providing meaningful and heartfelt feedback. True, there will be chances of some children deliberately pointing out to something that may not be very grave. But that is part of progress. To be able to receive all sorts of feedback and assessing them to decide which ones could be taken into account, is also part of the writing journey and perhaps even in what we pursue in the long run.

The intention is to enable to them take their content to the next level. In that process, they begin to understand the importance of grammar and punctuation in reaching out to the reader and catching their attention. It is no longer for a good grade but to write something meaningfully that could be understood by their peers. Similarly, they get a chance to play the role of the target audience in giving honest feedback to their peers. It is a two way traffic. The role of an adult is simply to act as a facilitator who helps with discussions and helps the group stay on track.
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Both weekday and weekend batches are available at the Young Readers' Club. While this program is for the 8-11 age group, the Young Executives' Club program offers soft skills development course for the 12-14 age group. Need more information? Please fill in the contact form below and we will reach out to you asap.