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Writer's picturelakshmimitter

What Do You Think Is The Story?

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

Every young reader as always was asked to find and read books that caught their attention. But this time, they were told that they would run the show.

It is the time of the month at the Young Readers’ Club when we come together to show off our book finds over the last month. The hunt for new books is generally based on a common objective, such as the hunt for one’s favourite character or books that had the most compelling plot and so on. This month we decided to make a game out of it. Oh yes! A game based on each one’s book finds!

Taking the lead for one’s own book recommendation

Every young reader as always was asked to find and read books that caught their attention. But this time, they were told that they would run the show. Each one was asked to share their book covers on the screen (our sessions happen on Zoom) while the rest tried guessing the story inside based on the cover. The young reader whose cover was up watched with much happiness as the rest of us thought hard and came up with a variety of guesses, some close, some really far. The young reader in charge with much excitement, told us if we were close or far away and if need be, fill in with clues from time to time. Every little clue gradually built up the story for us as we went along, thus giving us a fairly good idea of what the book contained.

Your book recommendation, Your idea

Every one of them chose different approaches to make the guessing game interesting and different. While some came up with variations of the hot and cold game, others chose to become instructors leading the way. When the group easily guessed a book they were armed with difficult covers that made the group guess for a long time before they gave up. All the while, every one of them got a chance to be the leader. Every single of them led the activity with grace, offering a helping hand every time someone needed it. As the participants every one of them were courteous even if the genre of the book was something that did not fascinate them. They were a team that stood with each other.

All the while, every one of them got a chance to be the leader. Every single of them led the activity with grace, offering a helping hand every time someone needed it.

There are young readers from Chennai, Cuddalore, Jaipur & Hyderabad now. It is amazing how a special camaraderie has developed over the months. They may never see each other in person but have become good friends with a common interest- Books.


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